PrestaShop Mobile App

The Complete App Solution For All Making The Store Accessible with the Mobikul Mobile App Builder.

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Main Features

feature-9565 Customer can Contact Admin.
feature-4157 Unlimited Push Notifications
feature-4132 Sign-in via Social Accounts
feature-4021 Multi Lingual Support
feature-10866 E-commerce Mobile App- Machine Learning
feature-4194 Open Source App
feature-4191 Various Shipping Supported
feature-4214 Offline Mode
feature-4187 Multiple Payment Gateway Supported

Customer can Contact Admin.

With the help of the Prestashop app, the customer can contact the admin. They can ask any sort of query or question from the app. Thus, allowing the customer to remain sorted about any store related query.

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Customer can Contact Admin.

Unlimited Push Notifications

The app owner can now allow the engagement of the customer when they are not actively working on the app. With this feature, the app user will have the ability to share the details about new offers, the arrival of a new product, and many more. 

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Unlimited Push Notifications

via Social Accounts

The Prestashop app will save the app user to fill in the complete sign up form for the registered. With this feature they can ustilize there social account to login the application. Thus, allowing them to attract more customer.

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via Social Accounts

Multi Lingual Support

The app user can translate the app in any language enabled by the app owner. This will allow the app to be localized as it will be transformed into the language understandable by them.

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Multi Lingual Support

E-commerce Mobile App- Machine Learning

The Prestashop app is a responsive enough to optimize the search process. Here, the app user can search the product with two major case that is Text Detection and Object Detection.

Thus, saving them from much complex search processing.

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E-commerce Mobile App- Machine Learning

Open Source App

The app is having an effective code structure that can be modified as per requirement.The transparency in the code will allow the developer to customize any functionality. 

Thus helping the app owner with the power of personlization of the app.

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Open Source App

Various Shipping Supported

The Prestashop mobile app will allow the store owner to enhance the conversion rate.

This will be done providing multiple shipping options at the time of checkout. Thus, providing an effective User experience.

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Various Shipping Supported

Offline Mode

This feature will allow the acquition of customer even from remote locations. The Prestashop mobile app supports the feature to allow the customer  to scroll through the app pre loaded pages of the app even when their is no internet.

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Offline Mode

Multiple Payment Gateway Supported

With the Prestashop app owner can now get its customer multiple options for online payment processing.This will enable quick processing of the checkout process. Thus, leading to more converson rate.

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Multiple Payment Gateway Supported

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