Mobikul CS-Cart Vendor App

Experience stable store management with the vendor mobile app.

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Main Features

feature-17419 Add New Product
feature-17431 Application Login
feature-9495 Seller Profile Management
feature-17434 Sort The Product
feature-4117 Synchronized

Add New Product

Forget the myth of using laptops and desktop for completing the professional task.

  • Add product to your e-commerce store directly from the mobile application.
  • Add product details like any other mobile activity.
  • Add the product image weather from phone storage or click image using the camera.
  • Finally, save the product to make it visible in the storefront.


Add New Product

Application Login

The seller centric application will be more secure and reliable.

  • The seller will get the unique credentials to view the application.
  • The seller can view their store on mobile app using the credentials provided by admin.
  • Credentials required are email id and password.
  • After the login, the seller will land to the homepage.
  • There the seller can add/ edit the products, manage the vendor profile, and vendor admininstration.
Application Login

Seller Profile Management

The seller can manage or edit their profile anytime required.

  • The seller can edit their profile details quickly.
  • Details like name, email, etc can be changed.
  • The logo can be added for the invoice and customer area.
  • Description of the store will be added under the description tab.
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Seller Profile Management

Sort The Product

The seller can sort product for making the search process easier.

  • The seller can sort the product by putting the newest to first.
  • The seller can also filter the orders for any speific duration of days.
  • The date can be easily selected from calendar popup.
Sort The Product


The system provides proper synchronization.

  • The mobile app is synchronized with the website.
  • The changes done in web end or mobile app will reflect in all the platforms.
  • Products added by particular seller will be visible in the storefront.
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