Search Product via Reverse Image Search – Tensor Flow

Updated 14 December 2023


Add live scan product and search feature in applications and provide an interactive user experience. Where your customers no longer have to be reliant only on manual search options.

As they can easily capture the image of the product using the device camera and go forward with exploring as many products using instant search results over their mobile application on the go, based on the product scan.

How searching product via Reverse image search is more useful than the conventional product search. Why is it even needed the answer lies in the deeper understanding of this feature?

As a user itself, you walking by someplace found something that you liked but you couldn’t find the name of that product or entity. How come you are going to buy something if you don’t even know what that product is actually called.

Here comes the importance of the search product via a reverse image search.

Note: It is the customizable (paid) feature. If you want this feature in the Mobikul Mobile Application its implementation requires customization. For customization cost, you can contact us.

Add Search Product via Reverse Image Search Feature in Mobile Application

Shoppers at your online store or any other customers want to become loyal. If you make the process of purchasing easier for them or simplify it.

A lot of businesses are already spending tons of money to make this possible and make the process of browsing any mobile application as interactive and immersive as walking in any actual retail store.

Adopting this search product via reverse image search buying experience of the consumers enhanced as you are giving them a quick solution where they can search as many as products keeping them engaged.

Neither the customer gets lost in manually searching for what they were originally looking for rather the customer spends more time scanning and checking products whatever they see around themselves. Thus improving the overall bounce rate of your store visitors.

User Takeaways & Beneficiary Aspects 

A great user experience makes small business to grow, lack of it makes huge things decay. The key point is that the success of every business revolves around your consumer way of accessing products.

Further, how are you going to improve the same utilising the search product via reverse Image search feature? 

Remarkable Selling Option for Businesses

Now if you as an owner and actively looking for incorporating something that increases the value of your mobile application and lands more customers. Moreover, naturally increases the quantity of buying goods from your store.

Why Integrate Live Scan Product Search Feature?

The requirement of such a feature where buyers can explore products by searching product using a live scan of products and items in their mobile application only.

Is answered by another question. That is “What is the basic and foundational step before making a purchase?” Evidently, it’s finding the right product. 

There are a few reasons why you must add search product via reverse search image:

One-stop solution for every consumer

Now the customer can quickly find the required products via Capturing the Image of the product using the device camera. And fetch instant search results.

image search

Custom features and advancements in Image search

With the increase in advancements in AI Machine learning and one of its most renowned application Tensor Flow. 

Amidst the use of this a wide range of tasks including image recognition developed. Which specifically focuses on training and inference of deep neural networks.

Note :


If you have any queries or raise your requirements regarding the customization of this feature. Do let us know at [email protected].

Also, to improve your Magento 2 e-commerce site search engine and enable customers to find accurate results more quickly, then view Magento 2 Elastic Search.

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