Updated 30 January 2024
In this blog, we will learn how to implement Paytm payment integration using an all-in-one SDK. Before starting the Paytm Standard Checkout provides a secure and PCI-compliant way to accept payments on both website and App through different payment sources like Credit/Debit Card, Net-Banking, UPI, and Paytm Wallet from the customers.
The customers can easily pay online for their Website orders using Paytm. They are redirected to the Paytm Webpage for making secure payments.
The payment process starts at the click of the pay button on the merchant order summary page. On this click, you need to:
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maven { url "https://artifactory.paytm.in/libs-release-local" } |
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implementation 'com.paytm.appinvokesdk:appinvokesdk:1.5.3' |
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private fun getPaytmTransaction(paytmDetails: PaytmDetails, orderId: String) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).mContentViewBinding.loading = true var host = "" if (paytmDetails.environment == "Staging") { IS_PATM_STAGIN = true host = "https://securegw-stage.paytm.in/" } else { IS_PATM_STAGIN = false host = "https://securegw.paytm.in/" } var myCompositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable? = CompositeDisposable() val requestInterface = Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(BASE_URL) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create()) .build().create(PaytmTransactionResponseModel::class.java) myCompositeDisposable?.add(requestInterface.getData( paytmDetails.merchant_id!!, paytmDetails.amount!!, paytmDetails.currency!!, paytmDetails.website!!, orderId) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe({ paytmTransactionResponseModel -> handleResponse(paytmTransactionResponseModel,paytmDetails,orderId) }, { error -> Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context,error.message,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) } ) } |
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private fun handleResponse(paytmTransactionResponseModel: PaytmTransactionResponseModel, paytmDetails: PaytmDetails, orderId: String) { if (paytmTransactionResponseModel.success && !orderId.isNullOrEmpty()) { paytmPlaceOrder(paytmDetails, orderId, paytmTransactionResponseModel) } } |
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import io.reactivex.Observable import retrofit2.http.GET interface GetData { //Describe the request type and the relative URL// @FormUrlEncoded @POST("paytmTransaction") fun paytmTransaction(@Field("merchant_id") merchant_id: String, @Field("amount") amount: String, @Field("currency") currency: String, @Field("websiteName") websiteName: String, @Field("orderId") orderId: String): Observable<PaytmTransactionResponseModel> } |
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private fun paytmPlaceOrder(paytmDetails: PaytmDetails, orderId: String, paytmTransactionResponseModel: PaytmTransactionResponseModel) { if (!paytmTransactionResponseModel.response.body.txnToken.isNullOrEmpty()) transactionToken = paytmTransactionResponseModel.response.body.txnToken if (!paytmDetails.callbackUrl.isNullOrEmpty()) callBackUrl = paytmDetails.callbackUrl.toString() if (!transactionToken.isNullOrEmpty() && !callBackUrl.isNullOrEmpty() && !paytmDetails.merchant_id.isNullOrEmpty()) { setStatus(R.string.msg_redirecting_to_paytm) val paytmOrder = PaytmOrder(orderId, paytmDetails.merchant_id, transactionToken, paytmDetails.amount, callBackUrl) val transactionManager = TransactionManager(paytmOrder, object : PaytmPaymentTransactionCallback { override fun onTransactionResponse(bundle: Bundle) { Log.d("Paytm", "PayTM Transaction Response: %s$bundle") val orderId = bundle.getString("ORDERID") val status = bundle.getString("STATUS") val message = bundle.getString("RESPMSG") val txnDate = bundle.getString("TXNDATE") val mid = bundle.getString("MID") val txnId = bundle.getString("TXNID") if (!orderId.isNullOrEmpty() && !status.isNullOrEmpty() && !txnDate.isNullOrEmpty()) { checkPaymentStatus(orderId, status, txnDate) } else { Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, baseModel.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun networkNotAvailable() { Log.d("Paytm", "networkNotAvailable") } override fun onErrorProceed(s: String) { Log.d("Paytm", "onErrorProceed: %s$s") Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun clientAuthenticationFailed(s: String) { Log.d("Paytm", "clientAuthenticationFailed: %s$s") Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun someUIErrorOccurred(s: String) { Log.d("Paytm", "someUIErrorOccurred: %s$s") Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun onErrorLoadingWebPage(i: Int, s: String, s1: String) { Log.d("Paytm", "onErrorLoadingWebPage: %s$s $s1") Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, "onErrorLoadingWebPage: %s$s $s1", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun onBackPressedCancelTransaction() { Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, "onBackPressedCancelTransaction", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun onTransactionCancel(s: String, bundle: Bundle) { Log.d("Paytm", "onErrorLoadingWebPage: %s$s") Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() if (!(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).isFinishing) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } }) transactionManager.setShowPaymentUrl("${host}theia/api/v1/showPaymentPage") transactionManager.startTransaction(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity?, ActivityRequestCode) } } |
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private fun checkPaymentStatus(orderId: String, status: String, createdTime: String) { (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).mContentViewBinding.loading = true ApiConnection.changeOrderStatus(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, mSaveOrderResponseModel.incrementId.toString(), getConfirmResponseData(orderId, status, createdTime)) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .subscribe(object : ApiCustomCallback<BaseModel>(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, true) { override fun onNext(baseModel: BaseModel) { super.onNext(baseModel) (context as CheckoutActivity).mContentViewBinding.loading = false if (baseModel.success) { val intent = Intent(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, OrderPlacedActivity::class.java) intent.putExtra(BUNDLE_KEY_SAVE_ORDER_RESPONSE, mSaveOrderResponseModel) (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).startActivity(intent) (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } else { Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, baseModel.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() (mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity).finish() } } override fun onError(e: Throwable) { super.onError(e) (context as CheckoutActivity).mContentViewBinding.loading = false onErrorResponse(e) } }) } private fun setStatus(message: Int) { Toast.makeText(mFragmentContext.context as CheckoutActivity, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } |
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