Integrating Offline Mode in your Mobile Apps

Updated 31 December 2020


Internet connectivity should no more be a concern as Mobikul Mobile App Builder lets your customers access your products and services even in the Offline Mode.

Gone are the days when it was difficult for our customers to install and access our applications; especially due to poor or no internet connectivity.

With technological advancements, Mobikul Mobile App Builder has taken a step further to integrate the Offline Mode feature within the applications.

The Need of the Hour

As business entrepreneurs, we must focus on making our app extremely user friendly. This can only be taken care of after knowing our customer’s requirements and shopping mindsets.

Offline Mode is one such feature that is trending in the mobile application cosmos.

The prime reason is, if your customers are traveling in a remote area where there is poor or no internet connectivity, even then they can visit your app store and access your products.

The major feature that accompanies the Mobikul Mobile App’s Offline Mode feature, is that the pre-loaded pages will open up even when no internet is available.

Use Case Scenario

For business persons who travel a lot, internet connectivity may be a major concern; especially when they have to carry out their business online.

What if an exigent requirement turns up suddenly and they realize that they are in the poor internet zone!

In such a scenario business persons might have to perform things the conventional way, which would definitely consume a lot of time and energy!

This is why the Offline Mode feature has become necessary for the mobile app development cosmos.

The app that runs in the offline mode stores the data in the devices whenever the internet connection is poor.

As soon as the connection is available the app synchronizes the data and the app user can access the app data.

Importance of the Offline Mode

We know and are aware of the fact that Mobile Commerce is the future. From online purchasing to making payments online, mobiles have eased our lifestyles and made our work a lot easier.

With the boom in the Offline Mode feature in the mobile app development, data synchronization between mobile devices and the database means reduced manual labor or data entry, lesser chances of error, and most of all, improvised productivity, even without an internet connection.

An internet connection is extremely essential to the business entrepreneur. They might encounter instances such as loss of data, missed orders, unsuccessful customer payments, etc. due to internet issues.

Therefore Offline Mode feature is one of the primary choices for thriving mobile applications that work efficiently, even in the offline mode.

So be it a remote location or a weak internet connection zone, you know your data is safe with the Offline Mode feature.

Implementing Offline Mode in Mobile Apps

It is extremely essential to choose technologies wisely for better working of the offline mode feature within your app.

One can consider the below-mentioned technologies.

Managing Sensitive Data

Handling users’ sensitive data is an essential aspect of any online business. A whole lot of customer loyalty depends on it. Therefore, particular users’ data cannot be cached for security reasons.

Also, a user will find the downloaded information like logos, blog posts stored in the cache folder therefore such data need not be downloaded over and over again by the user.

For that reason, one needs to ensure that customers’ sensitive data is not being cached and stored.

Data synchronization

For businesses, data priority differs as per the business requirements. For some businesses, data is updated once in twelve months and while some data might need frequent updations; or may be updated multiple times in a day.

For that reason, one must integrate establish different synchronization cycles for different data that suits best for a business.

It is not necessary that your app requires a constant data sync scenario. In such a case, you can go forth and sync data in a particular time span.

Alterations in Shared Data

There may be instances where some users are offline and the alterations made in the data are not visible to the other users

In such a case, there are multiple users that work on the same data without encountering the changes that others have made in the data.

One needs to focus on exception handling and identifying rules in order to deal with those exceptions.

Moreover, one must be aware and consider the fact that a favorable solution for many scenarios is to determine that the initial update made to a data is acquired than other updates that are made to the same data.

Offline Mode in Mobikul Mobile Apps

Mobikul Mobile Apps come in handy with the Offline Mode feature. It facilitates the customers to access the app even in offline mode.

This feature makes it possible for the customers to go back visit the app

Our Mobikul Mobile app provides the customers with the facility to revisit the app when the mobile is in offline mode. With this feature, the customer can see all the pages which were earlier visited by them. This will give the customer the power of visiting the app anywhere and anytime without the constraint of the internet.

This can increase user engagement as they are connected with the app all the time. The offline mode can be helpful for the customer are having less internet connectivity.

In this blog, we will learn about implementing a very awesome feature in the application which is Offline Mode. Making an application work in offline mode which always works only with network availability is a cool stuff to do.

If we talk about the approaches to do this, we can definitely have two, three or maybe more.

Some of them are,

  1. Using Shared Preferences
  2. Using SQLite Database
  3. Using you Cache Memory

We will discuss the 2nd approach which is using SQLite Database.

For creating database and tables in it Android provides SQLite database classes with the help of which you can create or manipulate your database.

In this approach, all you need to do is check whether the network is available or not and do the functionality according to that.

Like if the network is available we will create the HTTP connection to get the data from a server and insert the response into a database. As the app user explores the pages the server response will get stored in the database for offline mode.

And in the case of the network is unavailable then instead of creating HTTP connection, the app should load the data from the database.

Beneficiary factors: of the Offline Mode

Offline Mode is the need of the hour and is one of the prime features of the Mobikul Mobile App Builder.

Hence, let your customers have an online app-like experience with the Offline Mode feature of the Mobikul Mobile App Builder. Fathom the newness that this feature brings in to your application.

That’s all for Integrating Offline Mode in your Mobile Apps. If you still face any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at

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