Updated 20 February 2025
In today’s blog we are going to discuss how to create custom checkbox tile in flutter. If you are using flutter then you may probably know that it provide CheckboxListTile widget for this purpose.
CheckboxListTile displays a title, subtitle, and checkbox horizontally but lacks options to customize the checkbox’s size, shape, and icon.
We can create our own Custom checkbox tile and customize size, shape and the check icon based on our need.
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To implement custom list tile in flutter follow these steps mention below :
Create a custom check box stateful class (CustomCheckBox) as shown below :
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class CustomCheckBox extends StatefulWidget { const CustomCheckBox({ Key? key, this.size = 25, this.type = MyCheckboxType.none, this.activeBgColor = Colors.lightBlue, this.inactiveBgColor = Colors.white, this.activeBorderColor = Colors.white, this.inactiveBorderColor = Colors.black, required this.onChanged, required this.value, this.activeIcon, this.inactiveIcon, this.customBgColor = Colors.lightGreenAccent, this.autofocus = false, this.focusNode, this.checkColor = Colors.white }) : super(key: key); final MyCheckboxType type; final double size; final Color activeBgColor; final Color inactiveBgColor; final Color activeBorderColor; final Color inactiveBorderColor; final ValueChanged<bool>? onChanged; final bool value; final Widget? activeIcon; final Widget? inactiveIcon; final Color customBgColor; final bool autofocus; final FocusNode? focusNode; final Color? checkColor; @override State<CustomCheckBox> createState() => _CustomCheckBoxState(); } class _CustomCheckBoxState extends State<CustomCheckBox> { bool get isEnabled => widget.onChanged != null; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) => Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ FocusableActionDetector( focusNode: widget.focusNode, autofocus: widget.autofocus, enabled: isEnabled, child: InkResponse( highlightShape: widget.type == MyCheckboxType.circle ? BoxShape.circle : BoxShape.rectangle, containedInkWell: widget.type != MyCheckboxType.circle, canRequestFocus: isEnabled, onTap: widget.onChanged != null ? () { widget.onChanged!(!widget.value); } : null, child: Container( height: widget.size, width: widget.size, margin: widget.type != MyCheckboxType.circle ? const EdgeInsets.all(10) : EdgeInsets.zero, decoration: BoxDecoration( color: isEnabled ? widget.value ? widget.type == MyCheckboxType.custom ? Colors.white : widget.activeBgColor : widget.inactiveBgColor : Colors.grey, borderRadius: widget.type == MyCheckboxType.none ? BorderRadius.circular(3) : widget.type == MyCheckboxType.circle ? BorderRadius.circular(50) : BorderRadius.zero, border: Border.all( color: widget.value ? widget.type == MyCheckboxType.custom ? Colors.black87 : widget.activeBorderColor : widget.inactiveBorderColor)), child: widget.value ? widget.type == MyCheckboxType.custom ? Stack( children: [ Container( alignment: Alignment.center, ), Container( margin: const EdgeInsets.all(5), alignment: Alignment.center, width: widget.size * 0.8, height: widget.size * 0.8, decoration: BoxDecoration( shape: BoxShape.rectangle, color: widget.customBgColor), ) ], ) : widget.activeIcon ?? Icon( Icons.check, size: 20, color: widget.checkColor, ) : widget.inactiveIcon, ), ), ), ]); } |
In above code we have created stateful widget and accepting customizable properties in the the constructor of the widget from the its parent widget.
These customizable properties includes : size, shape, check widget, active colour, background colour etc.
You can also check this link.
Then create enum (MyCheckboxType) to define checkbox types (circle, square, custom and none) as shown below :
1 |
enum MyCheckboxType {circle, square, custom, none} |
Now we can use this custom check box as a widget, To use this custom widget create a Stateful widget (CustomCheckBoxTile) and import the custom checkbox tile.
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class CustomCheckBoxTile extends StatefulWidget { const CustomCheckBoxTile({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<CustomCheckBoxTile> createState() => _StateCustomCheckBoxTile(); } class _StateCustomCheckBoxTile extends State<CustomCheckBoxTile> { bool accepted = false; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text("Custom checkbox tile"), ), body: Column( children: [ CustomCheckBox(value: accepted, onChanged: (val){ setState(() { accepted = val ?? false; }); },size: 30) ], ), ); } } |
In above example code we have created a boolean variable “accepted” to check and uncheck the checkbox.
Run the project to check the output for our code, we will get the output as shown below :
Now we can create our custom checkbox tile using the flutter List tile widget and our CustomCheckBox widget as shown below :
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@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text("Custom checkbox tile"), ), body: Column( children: [ ListTile( titleAlignment: ListTileTitleAlignment.top, leading: CustomCheckBox( value: accepted, activeBgColor: Colors.teal, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { accepted = val; }); }, size: 30), title: const Text("CheckBox Title"), subtitle: const Text("This is exmaple subtitle"), ), ], ), ); } |
In above example code we have used flutter’s ListTile widget inside column children as :
want to learn more about multi select check box.
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ListTile( trailing: CustomCheckBox( value: accepted, type: MyCheckboxType.circle, activeBgColor: Colors.teal, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { accepted = val; }); }, size: 35), title: const Text("CheckBox Title"), subtitle: const Text("This is exmaple subtitle"), ), |
We get the circular checkbox output :
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ListTile( trailing: CustomCheckBox( value: accepted, type: MyCheckboxType.none, activeIcon: Icon(Icons.done_all), activeBgColor: Colors.cyan, onChanged: (val) { setState(() { accepted = val; }); }, size: 35), title: const Text("CheckBox Title"), subtitle: const Text("This is exmaple subtitle"), ) |
To use our custom widget as active check icon widget we need to use activeIcon property and pass your widget, we used (Icons.done_all) in our example code.
We get the output as :
Thanks for reading this article ❤️
I hope this blog will help you to learn about how to Custom checkbox tile in flutter and you will be able to implement it.
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Happy Learning ✍️
For more understanding about list and list tile go through this link.
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