Shake effect in Flutter

Updated 28 April 2023


In this article, we are going to learn about how we can shake effect in flutter.

Below is the demo of how our widget will look.

shake effect in flutter

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1. We are first going to create an animation controller class.

We are going to need an AnimationContoller to achieve the effect that we want, so we will create a separate abstract state class.

2. Create a Custom Shake Widget

This widget will be responsible to shake our other widgets.

This requires multiple params:

child: This is the widget that we want to shake

duration: Shake duration.

shakeCount: How many times our widget should shake.

shakeOffset: Shake distance of the widget.

3. Use the animation with AnimatedBuilder and Transform.translate (to translate our widget back and forth)

4. Add a status listener to reset our AnimationController.

This is important as we want to show this error multiple times and if we do not reset our controller then we will not be able to see this effect again.

5. Add a shake() method.

This method will be responsible for the shake effect. This method should be public.

6. We will use GlobalKey to control the shake effect (or to shake our widgets).

Flutter provides GlobalKey that we can use according to our needs with or without the state.

In this case, we will be needing the state so that we can initiate the shake during any taps.

That’s it, now shake any widget that you want, just properly manage keys, and also don’t forget to dispose of them once you are done.


In this article, we have learned how we can achieve shake effect in flutter.

Hope you have liked this. Head over here to learn more about flutter.


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