Updated 22 September 2023
In this blog, I am implementing Toast Module functions for iOS and how to use those functions in our React Native Application?
In my previous blog, we know that how to create a React native Library and how to import in our Existing Application? Now, I am lighting my previous blog for What is the Module?
The module is a very important thing in our development, By using module we split our problems into many parts or we can generalize our problems into a specific form. In this blog, I will focus on how to create a module in the react-native project and how to implement it on our existing project manually.
How to create a Module?
-> Please click on the link to open my previous blog to create a module
Now create the Toast Function for iOS in ToastModule.
In the internal native toast Function I have used native iOS Taost Library https://github.com/scalessec/Toast.
There are few steps to communicate from the Native method to React-Native in iOS.
protocol. If you are wondering, RCT is an abbreviation of ReaCT.RCTBridgeModule
protocol, your class must also include the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE()
macro. This takes an optional argument that specifies the name that the module will be accessible as in your JavaScript code (more on this later). If you do not specify a name, the JavaScript module name will match the Objective-C class name. If the Objective-C class name begins with RCT, the JavaScript module name will exclude the RCT prefix.RCTBridgeModule
and other methods for Toast.NSString
, float
, double
, CGFloat
, NSNumber
, NSNumber
) of any types from this listNSDictionary
) with string keys and values of any type from this listRCTResponseSenderBlock
Now Add this module in your Project by admin link our PodFile.
Use MobikulToast in our project javascript class
Link for creating Android Toast- https://mobikul.com/toastmodule-for-android/
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