Updated 26 October 2021
Sometimes we require to integrate an application with Payu payment gateway . for this, we require to follow some steps.
1: There are two ways to integrate with Payu .( seamless and non-seamless(inbuilt UI part)).
2: Here I am defining about non-seamless Integration.
3: Go to that Url and download their SDK. https://github.com/payu-intrepos/Documentations/wiki/8.-iOS-SDK-integration
4: Drag Payu folder in your Xcode project.
5: do some changes in the project.
libraries to your project (Project->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries)-ObjC
in Other Linker Flags in Project Build Settings(Project->Build Settings->Other Linker Flags)
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<key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict> |
6: In AppDelegate.h add the below property
@property (weak, nonatomic) UIViewController *paymentOptionVC;
7: suppose you want to integrate into some class lets checkout class (example)
8: do some changes in .h file of checkout class
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import “PUUIBaseVC.h”
@interface checkout: PUUIBaseVC
9: Here I am giving .m file of checkout class .
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// // checkout.m // PayU // // Created by kunal prasad on 09/08/16. // Copyright © 2016 Webkul. All rights reserved. // #import "checkout.h" #import "PUUIPaymentOptionVC.h" #import "PUSAHelperClass.h" #import "iOSDefaultActivityIndicator.h" @interface checkout () @property (strong, nonatomic) PayUWebServiceResponse *webServiceResponse; @property (strong, nonatomic) iOSDefaultActivityIndicator *defaultActivityIndicator; @end //PayUModelPaymentParams *paymentParam; @implementation checkout - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self.buttonPressed addTarget:self action:@selector(btnClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [self addPaymentResponseNotofication]; self.defaultActivityIndicator = [iOSDefaultActivityIndicator new]; self.paymentParam = [PayUModelPaymentParams new]; self.webServiceResponse = [PayUWebServiceResponse new]; } -(void)btnClicked:(id)sender{ [self dismissKeyboard]; [self.defaultActivityIndicator startAnimatingActivityIndicatorWithSelfView:self.view]; self.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO; //self.defaultActivityIndicator = [iOSDefaultActivityIndicator new]; //self.paymentParam = [PayUModelPaymentParams new]; //PayUModelHashes *hashes = [[PayUModelHashes alloc] init];// Set the hashes here self.paymentParam.firstName = @"Ram"; self.paymentParam.key = @"0MQaQP"; self.paymentParam.transactionID = [PUSAHelperClass getTransactionIDWithLength:15]; self.paymentParam.amount = @"110.0"; self.paymentParam.productInfo = @"Nokia"; self.paymentParam.SURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/success"; self.paymentParam.FURL = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/failure"; self.paymentParam.phoneNumber = @"1111111111"; self.paymentParam.udf1 = @"u1"; self.paymentParam.udf2 = @"u2"; self.paymentParam.udf3 = @"u3"; self.paymentParam.udf4 = @"u4"; self.paymentParam.udf5 = @"u5"; self.scrollView = nil; // Set the environment according to merchant key ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION for Production & // ENVIRONMENT_MOBILETEST for mobiletest environment: self.paymentParam.environment = ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION; // Set this property if you want to give offer: self.paymentParam.offerKey = @"test123@6622"; ////bins@8427,srioffer@8428,cc2@8429,gtkffx@7236 // Set this property if you want to get the stored cards: self.paymentParam.userCredentials = @"ra:ra"; [PUSAHelperClass generateHashFromServer:self.paymentParam withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelHashes *hashes, NSString *errorString) { [self callSDKWithHashes:hashes withError:errorString]; }]; } -(void)callSDKWithHashes:(PayUModelHashes *) allHashes withError:(NSString *) errorMessage{ if (errorMessage == nil) { self.paymentParam.hashes = allHashes; } [self callSDKWithOneTap:nil]; [self.defaultActivityIndicator stopAnimatingActivityIndicator]; } -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{ [super viewWillAppear:true]; } -(void) callSDKWithOneTap:(NSDictionary *)oneTapDict{ self.paymentParam.OneTapTokenDictionary = oneTapDict; PayUWebServiceResponse *respo = [PayUWebServiceResponse new]; self.webServiceResponse = [PayUWebServiceResponse new]; [self.webServiceResponse getPayUPaymentRelatedDetailForMobileSDK:self.paymentParam withCompletionBlock:^(PayUModelPaymentRelatedDetail *paymentRelatedDetails, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) { [self.defaultActivityIndicator stopAnimatingActivityIndicator]; if (!errorMessage) { [respo callVASForMobileSDKWithPaymentParam:self.paymentParam]; UIStoryboard *stryBrd = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"PUUIMainStoryBoard" bundle:nil]; PUUIPaymentOptionVC *paymentOptionVC = [stryBrd instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:VC_IDENTIFIER_PAYMENT_OPTION]; paymentOptionVC.paymentParam = self.paymentParam; paymentOptionVC.paymentRelatedDetail = paymentRelatedDetails; [self.navigationController pushViewController:paymentOptionVC animated:true]; } else{ NSLog(@" %@",errorMessage); } }]; } -(void) dealloc{ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } -(void)addPaymentResponseNotofication{ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(responseReceived:) name:kPUUINotiPaymentResponse object:nil]; } -(void)responseReceived:(NSNotification *) notification{ NSLog(@"Response Received message from server"); [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO]; // self.textFieldTransactionID.text = [PUSAHelperClass getTransactionIDWithLength:15]; NSString *strConvertedRespone = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",notification.object]; NSLog(@"Response Received %@",strConvertedRespone); NSError *serializationError; id JSON = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[strConvertedRespone dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:&serializationError]; if (serializationError == nil && notification.object) { NSLog(@"%@",JSON); //PAYUALERT([JSON objectForKey:@"status"], strConvertedRespone); if ([[JSON objectForKey:@"status"] isEqual:@"success"]) { NSString *merchant_hash = [JSON objectForKey:@"merchant_hash"]; if ([[JSON objectForKey:@"card_token"] length] >1 && merchant_hash.length >1 && paymentParam) { NSLog(@"Saving merchant hash---->"); [PUSAHelperClass saveOneTapTokenForMerchantKey:paymentParam.key withCardToken:[JSON objectForKey:@"card_token"] withUserCredential:paymentParam.userCredentials andMerchantHash:merchant_hash withCompletionBlock:^(NSString *message, NSString *errorString) { if (errorString == nil) { NSLog(@"Merchant Hash saved succesfully %@",message); } else{ NSLog(@"Error while saving merchant hash %@", errorString); } }]; } } } else{ PAYUALERT(@"Response", strConvertedRespone); } } @end |
10: above value is dummy data for testing purpose.
11: Now I am attaching two file for generating Hash Value , here i am using for only dummy checking so if you want to configure for live payment then you have to write your server file for generating HASH VALUE.
live: https://github.com/payu-intrepos/Documentations/wiki/4.-Server-Side
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// // PUSAHelperClass.m // PayUNonSeamlessTestApp #import "PUSAHelperClass.h" NSString *const URLGetHash = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/get_hash"; NSString *const URLGetMerchantHash = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/get_merchant_hashes"; NSString *const URLStoreMerchantHash = @"https://payu.herokuapp.com/store_merchant_hash"; @implementation PUSAHelperClass // To get Hashes from server +(void) generateHashFromServer:(PayUModelPaymentParams *) paymentParam withCompletionBlock:(hashRequestCompletionBlock)completionBlock{ void(^serverResponseForHashGenerationCallback)(PayUModelHashes *hashes, NSString *errorString) = completionBlock; NSMutableString *postParam = [NSMutableString new]; if (paymentParam.offerKey) { [postParam appendFormat:@"offer_key=%@",paymentParam.offerKey]; } if (paymentParam.key) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&key=%@",paymentParam.key]; } if (paymentParam.hashes.paymentHash) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&hash=%@",paymentParam.hashes.paymentHash]; } if (paymentParam.email) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&email=%@",paymentParam.email]; } if (paymentParam.amount) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&amount=%@",paymentParam.amount]; } if (paymentParam.firstName) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&firstname=%@",paymentParam.firstName]; } if (paymentParam.transactionID) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&txnid=%@",paymentParam.transactionID]; } if (paymentParam.userCredentials) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&user_credentials=%@",paymentParam.userCredentials]; } if (paymentParam.udf1) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&udf1=%@",paymentParam.udf1]; } if (paymentParam.udf2) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&udf2=%@",paymentParam.udf2]; } if (paymentParam.udf3) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&udf3=%@",paymentParam.udf3]; } if (paymentParam.udf4) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&udf4=%@",paymentParam.udf4]; } if (paymentParam.udf5) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&udf5=%@",paymentParam.udf5]; } if (paymentParam.productInfo) { [postParam appendFormat:@"&productinfo=%@",paymentParam.productInfo]; } NSLog(@"-->>Hash generation Post Param = %@",postParam); [PUSAWSManager getWebServiceResponse:[PUSAWSManager getURLRequestWithPostParam:postParam withURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URLGetHash]] withCompletionBlock:^(id JSON, NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) { if (JSON) { if([[JSON objectForKey:@"message"] isEqualToString:@"successfully generated hash"]){ PayUModelHashes *payUHashes = [PayUModelHashes new]; payUHashes.paymentHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"payment_hash"]; payUHashes.paymentRelatedDetailsHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"payment_related_details_for_mobile_sdk_hash"]; payUHashes.VASForMobileSDKHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"vas_for_mobile_sdk_hash"]; payUHashes.deleteUserCardHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"delete_user_card_hash"]; payUHashes.editUserCardHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"edit_user_card_hash"]; payUHashes.saveUserCardHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"save_user_card_hash"]; payUHashes.getUserCardHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"get_user_cards_hash"]; payUHashes.offerHash = [JSON objectForKey:@"check_offer_status_hash"]; serverResponseForHashGenerationCallback(payUHashes ,nil); } else{ serverResponseForHashGenerationCallback(nil,[JSON objectForKey:@"message"]); } } else{ serverResponseForHashGenerationCallback(nil,errorMessage); } }]; } // To get transactionID +(NSString *) getTransactionIDWithLength:(int) len { NSString *letters = @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; NSMutableString *randomString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: len]; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { [randomString appendFormat: @"%C", [letters characterAtIndex: arc4random_uniform((u_int32_t)[letters length])]]; } return randomString; } @end |
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// // PUSAWSManager.m // PayUNonSeamlessTestApp // // Created by Umang Arya on 04/01/16. // Copyright © 2016 PayU. All rights reserved. // #import "PUSAWSManager.h" @implementation PUSAWSManager +(NSMutableURLRequest *)getURLRequestWithPostParam:(NSString *) postParam withURL:(NSURL *) paramURL{ NSMutableURLRequest *request; request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:paramURL cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; [request setValue:@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"]; if (postParam) { request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; [request setHTTPBody:[postParam dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; } else{ request.HTTPMethod = @"GET"; } return request; } +(void)getWebServiceResponse:(NSMutableURLRequest *) webServiceRequest withCompletionBlock:(completionBlockForWebServiceResponse) completionBlock{ void(^callBackForWebServiceResponse)(id JSON ,NSString *errorMessage, id extraParam) = completionBlock; NSURLSession *defaultSession = [NSURLSession sharedSession]; NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask = [defaultSession dataTaskWithRequest:webServiceRequest completionHandler:^(NSData * data, NSURLResponse * response, NSError * error) { if (error == nil) { NSError *parseError = nil; id object = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&parseError]; NSLog(@"Response after hitting webService --> %@",object); if (parseError == nil) { callBackForWebServiceResponse(object,nil,nil); } else{ NSLog(@"Parse Error: %@",parseError.localizedDescription); callBackForWebServiceResponse(nil,parseError.localizedDescription,nil); } } else{ NSLog(@"Parse Error: %@",error.localizedDescription); callBackForWebServiceResponse(nil,error.localizedDescription,nil); } }]; [dataTask resume]; } @end |
12: Now its works fine and you can set according to your need.
If you have more details or questions, you can reply to the received confirmation email.
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