Paymob Payment Gateway in Swift

Updated 31 January 2022


Today, we are going to learn how to integrate Paymob Payment Gateway in Swift with the SDK approach.

Before, implementing the payment gateway first we will learn what is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a technique used by merchants to accept credit or debit card purchases from customers.

Paymob provides a list of payment methods.

Many others

Let’s start the integration

Please follow the below steps in your iOS project

Step -1:-

Please install the paymob pod in your project

AcceptCardSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

After that change the general settings of the project, under libraries and frameworks “Do not embed” to “Embed and Sign”

Step -2:-

Now, import the AcceptSDK in viewcontroller

Step -3:-

Create payment

We need a valid payment key is required to start the payment

Step – 4:-

Add the delegate to the class, and add the protocol stubs

And if you already have a saved token


In this blog, we have learned about the integration of the Paymob payment gateway integration by using SDK.

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