Paybox Payment Gateway in Swift

Updated 28 October 2021


In this blog, we are going to learn about how to integrate Paybox Payment Gateway in Swift with SDK approach.

Before integrating a payment gateway first we need to know what is a payment gateway.

A payment gateway is a technology used by merchants to accept debit or credit card purchases from customers.

Paybox provides a list of payment methods:

Let’s start the integration

Please follow the below steps in your iOS project

Step – 1

Please install the paybox pod in your project

Step – 2

Now, import the PayBoxSdk in viewcontroller

Step – 3

Set up payment view using storyboard

  1. Drag & drop an instance of UIView
  2. Select added view and open Identity Inspector
  3. Enter the following values:

a. Class: PaymentView

b. Module: PayBoxSdk

After that, create an outlet for payment view.

Step – 4

Initialize Payment:

We need merchantid and SecretKey for sdk initialization

Step – 5

To transfer information from the payment gate:

Step – 6

Payment creation:

Step – 7

To track the progress of the payment page loading, use the WebDelegate:


In this blog, we have learned about the integration of the Paybox payment gateway integration by using SDK.

For more information regarding the Paybox payment gateway follow the link.

If you have any issues or suggestions you can leave your query/suggestion in the comment section.

. . .

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