Mobikul Mobile App Builder Supports Redsys Payment Gateway

Updated 13 December 2023


Redsys payment gateway is known for rendering quality payment services;

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They are said to be one of the worlds leading payment service with creation of standard and technological operational solutions for financial institutions and other major industry players, both in Spain, Europe and Latin America. Redsys provides an integral authorization service and provides it in various ways:

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1-Supports three-dimensional secure authentication.
2-Works in both test and real mode.
3-Set the order status for orders that are paid using the Redsys payment gateway.
4-Allow customers to pay with card only, card and Iupay, or only Iupay.
5-Personalize the payment title that appears on the checkout page.

Mobikul Supports Redsys. It can be easily integrated with the Mobikul mobile app of your store.

Mobikul Supports Redsys and many other payment gateways which you require. You can check for all supported payment gateways supported by Mobikul by clicking here.

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