Mobikul Mobile App Builder Push Notification Configuration For CS-Cart

Updated 30 December 2017


You can simply add push notification for displaying it on your Mobikul application user’s device. For this, you need to do simple notification configuration by navigating through the following path of your CS-Cart admin panel.

Mobikul Banner Tab > Manage notification

Add Push Notification

Click on the Add notification button for adding new banner images. You can configure the push notification as per your requirement by setting up the notification information.

Title: Set the title of the Push Notification.

Type: The push notification can be set to Product if it is associated with any product or it can be also set to the Category if it is associated with any category. The admin can also set the type to “other” if the products id not associated with any product or category.

Choose Category/Product: If the type is set to a category then the admin can choose a category to associate with the notification. The associated category will be redirected by clicking the notification.

If the notification type is set to a product then the admin can choose a product to associate with the notification. The associated product will be redirected by clicking the notification. The admin can choose the products with help of filter search.

The admin can also choose the product by extending the filter search option from the “v” shaped extend button.

Status: The admin can set the status of the notification as “Active” or “Disabled”.

Content: Provide the content to be displayed in the Push Notification. The admin can also choose to provide the content by using WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Send Push Notification

The admin can select the desired push notification from the select notification checkboxes.

After selecting the notification click on the Setting drop-down button present at the right side of the “Add notification” button. In the Actions drop-down, there will be an option for sending the notification, click on “Send Selected“. A pop-up for sending confirmation will appear. Click on Ok to send the selected notification.

If you have any issue then please let us know anytime. You can raise a ticket for any query at

. . .

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