Moamalat Payment Integration via SDK

Updated 29 April 2022


Hello guys, today we learn about how to implement Moamalat Payment Integration via SDK.

In-Ecommerce Applications, according to user requirements we need to implement the payment method in the app.

Here we have two methods

  1. Via WebView
  2. Via SDK

Here, we implement the Moamalat Payment Integration via SDK, Let’s start the implementation

Getting Start

Step 1: – Firstly, Create Xcode Project

File –> New –> Project –> iOS –> Next And Add your project name and then create

Step 2:- Secondly, Install the pod for moamalat payment

how to install pod in XCode project

  1. open terminal
  2. open your project path
  3. write pod init
  4. open the pod file and add “pod ‘PayButtonNumo’
  5. And pod install
  6. Now, open xcode.xcworkspace project

step 3:- Lastly, code implementation

Here, you need to pass some required details in SDK controller like

  1. payment amount
  2. your SDK merchant id
  3. your terminal id
  4. currency code – it should be an integer value
  5. your payment secure hash key
  6. And, app status – like it is in production mode or testing mode

firstly call the payment delegate method into your class

And create a variable for the payment view controller

Add the payment SDK code where you want to perform the payment action

After completing the payment process you get success and fail results for this you need to call, the finishSdkPaymentfunction into your class And add the code for the payment result

Now, run the project and check the output.

when you click the Payment button you get the details screen

Enter all the card details and proceed, you need to add OTP

After verifying the OTP you get success and fail screen and click to close button it will redirect you to your controller class where you add the transactionStatusResponse function working


In, this blog we discussed the working of Moamalate payment integration via SDK

I hope this blog will help you to implement the payment SDK for a sample project click here

Thanks for reading!!

. . .

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