IPay88 Payment Gateway into Android

Updated 29 March 2022


In this article, we are going to learn how we can integrate the IPay88 payment gateway into android.

We are going to do this step by step

1. First, you need to download the .jar or .aar file of the SDK. Download the IPay88 SDK from this link.

2. Once downloaded you need to place the SDK in the libs folder and update your app level gradle file to read the SDK.

ipay88 payment gateway into android.
sdk location

3. Now we need to initialize the payment.

IPay88Data.kt class

Now we need to instantiate the payment process.

Here ResultDelegate class is responsible for the result (i.e success, failed, cancelled etc)

ResultDelegate.kt class

Create static variables to keep track of the result state i.e success, failed, canceled etc.

4. We also need to declare the IPayActivity in the manifest as well.

Add the following line in your Manifest file under the application tag.

Note: If you have declared minSdk to 21 then you might get the following error.

ipay88 error on higher android version

To fix the above issue add this line in your Manifest file under the application tag

5. Once your payment is initiated you should see a screen like this.

payment screen

6. Finally manage the different cases using static variables that we have created earlier.

I hope this blog will help you to understand how we can integrate IPay88 into android.

Enjoy this blog, head over here to read more android related blogs.

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