Custom Tab Bar

Updated 31 May 2021


UITabBarController is one of the most commonly used UI elements of iPhone apps. It appears at the bottom of an app screen and provides the ability to switch between different sections of an app quickly. the TabBar controller is not very customizable and recommends only 5 icons before having to present a “more options” icon. A tab bar is often used to switch between different, but comparable view controllers.

What we are going to do?

Let’s create a project of the custom Tab bar.

  1. Open an Xcode and take a view on Storyboard.
  2. Now, we need another UIView at the bottom of the storyboard for the tab bar view. The TabBarView consists of a collection of buttons the user can tap to switch from one tab to another.
    First view Tab bar controller
    Tab Bar view
  3. Create tab bar items. take 4 views in TabBarview and add a button for the item icon in each view.
    Tab bar Icons
  4. Take 4 ViewControllers
  5. Add the view of the HomeViewController to the content view as a subview and call the didMove(toParent: ) function.

Note:- If you don’t call it the child view controller won’t be able to detect that it did move to the parent view controller.

6. Now, run the project.

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