Arrays in Dart

Updated 26 December 2023


In this blog, I will explain how to create an array in Dart and the ways to initialize the array in Dart.

Introduction of Array/List :

An array is a collection of similar data elements stored at contiguous memory locations.

It is the simplest data structure where each data element can be accessed directly by only using its index number.

The index starts from zero and extends up to n-1 where n is the total number of elements in the Array.

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Initializing arrays in Dart:

The literal constructor [] can be used to generate a new array:

Types of Array:

Array is of two types ->

1)Fixed Size Array

2)Variable Size Array

Fixed Size Array

The elements of fixed-length arrays of elements are individually coded in the array’s natural order, 0 through n -1.

Step 1: Declaring a list is step one.

The syntax for declaring a fixed-length Array –> var arrName = new List(initial_size)

The above syntax generates a list with the requested length.
Step 2: Initialising a list is step two.

The syntax is –> arrName[index] = value;

Variable Size Array

The variable size array’s size can be changed in real-time.

Step 1: Declaring a list is step one:

var Array_name = [v1, v2, v3]   

— creates a list containing the specified values  


var Array_name = new List() 

— creates a list of size zero 

Step 2: It is possible to identify the element that needs to have a value assigned by using the index or subscript. The list initialization syntax is as follows:

Accessing the element in the array:

Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Accessing all elements in the array:

Access all element

Accessing specific elements in the array:

Access particular element

Properties of List:

first()It returns the first element of the array.
last()It returns the last element of the array.
sort()sort the array element in increasing order
isEmpty()the checked array is Empty or not. (Returns bool value true and false)
length()It returns the length of the array.


In this article, we have explained the how to create Array in Dart.

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