If you are reading this article, you must already know about Container. A Container is a well-known widget in Flutter. It is a widget that combines common painting, positioning, and sizing widgets. It has various well-defined properties such as color, alignment, padding, width, and height. Animated Container in Flutter is simply a container widget with animation.
You can use the Animated Container widget if you want to create an animation every time any value changes. AnimatedContainer works by starting an animation that plays for the given duration when the value of the property changes.
Now let’s check how can we implement Animated Container in Flutter.
Create a stateful widget.
Add an Animated Container widget and define its properties.
Add a Floating Action Button & on the tap of FAB alter the properties of the Animated Container& create animation.
Add different properties such as width, height, color, and duration of the animation, and provide an optional curve to make the animation feel smoother.
Add an FAB & on the onPressed function of FAB and alter the Animated Container properties by randomly generating the height, width & color of the container.
Specializes in iOS and Flutter development with expertise in Swift, Storyboards, MVVM and Auto Layout. Focused on improving app performance and managing Apple Developer Account effectively.
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