Updated 1 August 2017
Retrofit is a library which is type-safe REST client for Android. Type-safe means that the compiler will validate types while compiling, and throw an error if you try to assign the wrong type to a variable.
Before Reading this blog you have to read following blog to learn the basic knowledge of the Retrofit,
Step 1: Make an interface,
1234567891011 public interface ApiInterface {String MOBIKUL_HOME_PAGE_DATA = "api/homepage/{customerId}";@GET(MOBIKUL_HOME_PAGE_DATA)Call<HomepageData> getHomePageData(@Header("Authorization") String authkey, @Path("customerId") String customerId);}
Step 2: Create the AuthToken
123456789 public static String getAuthToken() {byte[] data = new byte[0];try {data = (ApplicationConstant.API_USER_NAME + ":" + ApplicationConstant.API_PASSWORD).getBytes("UTF-8");} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.NO_WRAP);}
Step 3: Create the Retrofit Client,
1234567891011121314 public class RetrofitClient {private static Retrofit retrofit = null;public static Retrofit getClient(Context mContext) {if (retrofit == null) {retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BASE_URL).addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()).build();}return retrofit;}}
Step 4: Make your call,
1234567 public static void getHomePage(Context mContext, Callback<HomepageData> callback) {Call<HomepageData> call = RetrofitClient.getClient(mContext).create(ApiInterface.class).getHomePageData(Helper.getAuthToken(), AppSharedPref.getCustomerId(mContext));call.enqueue(callback);}call the Api with Basic Authorization,
1 RetrofitCalls.getHomePage(Activity.this, callback);
Thanks for reading this blog, You have any questions or problems comment below.
Happy Coding. Stay Super.
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The 401 error means unauthorized.
Make sure that you are using correct credentials to generate the AuthToken.
You can take the help of the backend team of your project to look into this point.