How to use database with sqlite in android

Updated 14 December 2016


In this blog,

I have shown how to use the database SQLite in android. I have shown how to create table, insert values in that table and fetch that data from the table to access.

SQLITE: SQLite is an open source SQL database which stores the data to a text file on a device.

Android uses the SQLite database for implementation.

There are some steps to use the SQLite in android.

 Step 1: How to Create Database

For creating a database you have to call the method named openOrCreateDatabase with your database name and mode as a parameter.

Step 2: How to create table and insert in table

For creating the table or insert data into table using execSQL method defined in SQLiteDatabase class

For insertion

or we can use the ContentValues for the insertionan,

Using this you can create and store the data in DB.

. . .

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