Telr payment gateway in swift

Updated 25 August 2021


In this blog, we will know about the implementation of the telr payment gateway.

And you will receive the payment from the customer using this payment gateway

1. We need to install the pod for this payment gateway.

2. Import its library in the view controller where do you want to implement payment method like below.

3. Initiate the payment request data for passing the all data for the payment gateway to initiate the payment controller.

4. Then you need to assign the value in the payment request

5. Then you need to send the data to telr payment controller

and delegate where you want. the delegate will use to fetch the response of the payment

6. then you need to implement its delegate

For payment cancel

For payment success

in this method you can fatch all the detail which you have provided to initialize the payment gateway like address, card last 4 digit etc

For payment failer

Now you can execute the above code and you can receive payment through Terl payment gateway

Thanks for reading 🙂

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding of Telr payment method.

For more technical blogs please visit here.

Wants to know more about telr payment gateway please visit here.

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