Stripe Payment Gateway in Flutter

Updated 4 July 2023


Hey! Folks 👨🏻‍💻 today we’ll integrate the Stripe Payment Gateway in Flutter.

Before we get started I urge you to go and check out our Flutter App Development Company.

Let’s start the party.

This integration combines all of the steps required to pay—collecting payment details and confirming the payment—into a single sheet that displays on top of your app.

Create a fresh project to integrate the Stripe Payment Gateway in Flutter.


Step 1.

Add flutter_stripe in pubspec.yaml file.

Step 2.

Now run the command in the terminal – flutter pub get

Minimum Version Requirement

Step 3.


This integration uses three Stripe API objects:

  1. PaymentIntent. Stripe uses this to represent your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking your charge attempts and payment state changes throughout the process.
  2. Customer (optional). To set up a card for future payments, it must be attached to a Customer. Create a Customer object when your customer creates an account with your business. If your customer is making a payment as a guest, you can create a Customer object before payment and associate it with your own internal representation of the customer’s account later.
  3. A Customer Ephemeral Key (optional). Information on the Customer object is sensitive, and can’t be retrieved directly from an app. An Ephemeral Key grants the SDK temporary access to the Customer.

If you never save cards to a Customer and don’t allow returning Customers to reuse saved cards, you can omit the Customer and Customer Ephemeral Key objects from your integration.

For security reasons, your app can’t create these objects. Instead, add an endpoint on your server that:

  1. Retrieves the Customer, or creates a new one.
  2. Creates an Ephemeral Key for the Customer.
  3. Creates a PaymentIntent, passing the Customer id.
  4. Returns the Payment Intent’s client secret, the Ephemeral Key’s secret, and the Customer’s id to your app.

Check examples of implementations for your server here

Step 4.

Add this code in MainActivity File in android.

That’s all for this Article 🎊 .


Stripe Payment Gateway in Flutter In this blog we’ve learned how to integrate the Stripe into Flutter app.

Visit the link for Stripe’s official documents.

Thanks for reading this blog. You can also check other blogs from here for more knowledge.

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