Set Activity Indicator in UIButton in Swift 3

Updated 4 July 2023


Activity Indicator in UIButton

Some times we need to perform some action on clicking the button , and we have to wait for some time  for respective result.Generally we use loader in middle of screen after data will come we close the loader. we can also show the loader on that where we have clicked and when the data will come we stop the loader and set the default text on UIButton which was previously set.

For this we need to follow some steps:

1: Take UIButton from StoryBoard.

2: Now select UIButton , and click on “Show the identity Inspector

3: Now In Class write the custom class Name “LoadingButton

4: Now Define This Class:

5: Now its time to use :

6: Crate the outlet as action of UIButton:

7: Now In this function you can use any kind of call or function, and when the result will come


8: When it will stop , it will showing the default title in button.

. . .

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