SceneDelegate in iOS Swift

Updated 30 November 2020


From iOS 13 onward Xcode automatically adds SceneDelegate Class in our project. This is because Apple has introduced the new multi-window support for the iPad. It divides the Appdelegate works. The main responsibility of SceneDelegate is to handle the scene.


You will see below SceneDelegate class in your Xcode project.


Now we will see methods of SceneDelegates


  1. scene(_:willConnectTo:options:) => This is the first method which is called, This method creates a new window and set it controllers and make it the key windows. Therefore, one of the functionalities of these methods is to restore the scene. 

    Also, the parameters of this method are.

    (I) scene=> It is connected to our app.

    (ii) session=> The configuration details of the scene contained in it.

    (iii) options => The information contains is useful for handling action that also caused the creation of the scene.

    The following below methods execute when:-

  2. sceneDidDisconnect(_:) => When the scene is disconnected.


  3. sceneDidBecomeActive(_:) => When the scene transits to the active state from the inactive state.


  4. sceneWillResignActive(_:) => When the scene transits to the inactive state from the active state.


  5. sceneWillEnterForeground(_ :)=> When the transition of the scene occurs from the background.


  6. sceneWillEnterForeground(_ :)=> When the transition of the scene occurs from foreground to background.


This is the summary of sceneDelegate. I hope you have understood the basics of sceneDelegate. And if you have any queries or if you have any suggestions then you can comment in the comment section.

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