Redux state management in Flutter

Updated 27 March 2024


In this blog, we will learn how to Implement Redux state management in Flutter.

You may also check our flutter app development company page.


Redux is a state management library based on Flux architecture for managing an application’s state consistently and centrally.


First we need to create a new flutter project and add the following dependencies in the pubspec.yaml file.

Now, run the command “flutter pub get” to add the dependencies.

Add the following package to your class.

Create the State:

The state of an application refers to its dynamic data, including user information, API responses, and UI state.

Create the Actions:

The view layer dispatches actions to modify the application’s state. They have a type and can also include payload data.

enum Actions { incrementCounter, decrementCounter }

Create the Reducer:

The reducer defines how the state should be updated based on the action type.

Create the Store:

The reducer function is passed to the store, and it serves as the central location for the application to store its state.

Create the StoreProvider:

After creating the store, you can make it accessible to the rest of the application using the StoreProvider widget.

To achieve this, you need to pass the store and a child widget as arguments to the StoreProvider widget. Once done, the store will be available to the child widget and all of its descendants.

Create the StoreBuilder:

The StoreBuilder widget takes a builder function as an argument. The builder function is called whenever the state of the store changes, and it returns the updated UI.

Completed Code:-



In this blog, we discuss how to effectively manage the state of applications using the Redux library.

You can also check other blogs from here.

Thanks for reading this blog ❤️

Hope this blog helped you to better understand how to manage state using redux In Flutter.


. . .

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