How to Play Video in Swift

Updated 28 May 2021


In today’s blog we will know how we can play a video in swift

This is the easiest way to play video in swift,

You can play a video from url or you can play a video from your project

Let’s code to play a video in your project

Step: 1

You need to create an Xcode project

Step: 2

Create a button to play video in the main.storyboard



Step: 3

Add a video in your project or you can play video from url

Step: 4

Lets’s move to view controller

Add AVFoundation fremwork in you controller

let’s know more about AVFoundation

AVFoundation is the full featured framework for working with time-based audiovisual media on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Using AVFoundation, you can easily play, create, and edit QuickTime movies and MPEG-4 files, play HLS streams, and build powerful media functionality into your apps.

Step: 5

We need to add the property of the AVFoundation

Step: 6

Create a function and add the video player in the your view controller

Step: 7

Call the above function from the button

Step: 8 

You can  do what you want to do after video ended.

Now you can run the above code and you can now play video in your project

Thanks for reading 🙂

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding of how to use AVAudioPlayer.

For more blogs please visit here.

For more information regarding the AVFoundation please click here.

. . .

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