Magento 2 Delivery Boy App

Enjoy the feasible and faster product delivery.

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Main Features

feature-16765 Chat With Admin
feature-4150 Enhanced Layered Navigation
feature-4163 Interactive Dashboard
feature-16696 Order Management
feature-4157 Unlimited Push Notifications
feature-4214 Offline Mode

Chat With Admin

Customer can Contact Admin will allow the customer to share their queries over mail. 

  • This mobile app feature is the most vital point for building a great customer relationship.
  • The admin can sort the issue by answering the queries, receiving feedback, and many more.
  • Therefore, allowing the customer and admin to enjoy a sorted connection.

Also, this feature works best at building a better relation between admin and customer.

Chat With Admin

Enhanced Layered Navigation

When the orders are more than a particular limit then it becomes tough to find out a specific order. 

  • In this app, the user can filter the order list by Order Id, Date and Order status.
  • Because of this, only related orders will appear on the screen.
  • Further, this will help the delivery boy to find out the orders faster.

Also, this feature works best at the conditions when the user forgets any order.

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Enhanced Layered Navigation

Interactive Dashboard

The dashboard of the application is the most important page as it includes the most attractive features.

  • This application includes the details of Sales and Orders.
  • The reports are visible in the form of a graph.
  • The location of the delivery boys can be seen on the map.
  • Busy delivery boys have the green sign and the Free one is marked as red in the app.
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Interactive Dashboard

Order Management

In this app, the order management is done in a very genuine way. Here,

  • Delivery boys receive the order assigned by the admin.
  • Also, the admin can pick any available delivery boy from the list.
  • The delivery boy will get notified for every new order assigned to them.
  • Pending orders can also be assigned to the delivery boys.

By this feature, the process for delivery becomes so smooth as the admin can assign orders to the nearest delivery boy available.

Order Management

Unlimited Push Notifications


Push notifications are the feature which has aroused the mobile applications to a great extent. Here, in this app,

  • The admin will also receive the notifications about the status of the delivery boy and orders.
  • The bell icon helps the admin and the delivery boy for the same.

Moreover, the notifications are the best way to keep the admin and the delivery boy updated with the orders.

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Unlimited Push Notifications

Offline Mode

Most of the heavy applications do not work with the lack of internet or on the slow internet. Tio overcome this,

  • this app provides the user to view the application in offline mode too.
  • Only the preloaded pages will accessible in the offline mode.

Meanwhile, this feature is effective because it somewhere increases the interest of the customer in the application.

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Offline Mode

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