Overriding API request with Retrofit

Updated 1 February 2021


In the mobile app development lifecycle, communicating with the server(via API) to get or store data is one of the basic needs.

Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android, Java and Kotlin developed by Square. The library provides a powerful framework for authenticating and interacting with APIs and sending network requests. I am writing this blog is written to express a special case while using Retrofit.

Let’s understand the use case with an example.

Suppose we need to override our API requests to add a key in every API of our project then we need to edit all our API requests or we can edit our client to add a key in all requests. We can do it by overriding our requests.

Below is the code example:

In conclusion, in this way we can override our requests with Retrofit.

Thanks for viewing. Please get in touch via comment box for any discussions.

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