ObjectBox in Flutter

Updated 29 November 2023


ObjectBox in Flutter is a super-fast database storing Dart objects locally.


For storing Dart objects in your cross-platform projects, consider using the ObjectBox Flutter database.

The ObjectBox in the Flutter database was built for great speed and is perfect for mobile and IoT devices.

With minimum CPU, memory, and battery usage, ObjectBox makes your programme both efficient and sustainable.

Installation of ObjectBox in Flutter

The first thing we have to do after creating the app is to add these dependencies in the pubspec.yml file.

Note: Please add updated dependencies.

ObjectBox is an object-oriented non-relational (NoSQL) database. First, we need to tell the database which entities to store.

Create Entity and Store Class using ObjectBox in Flutter

You may also check our other database Hive DataBase.

Box operations

First, you have to open your box:

Types of operations:

  1. Put => insert one element inside the database
  2. putMany =>  Insert a list of userData
  3. get => Get one specific user by Key(ID)
  4. getMany => Get multiple users by giving a list of Key (ID)
  5. getAll => Get all the userData
  6. remove => Remove one user by Key(ID)
  7. removeMany => Remove many users by giving a list of Key(ID)
  8. removeAll => Delete all the objects in a box.
  9. count => Counts the number of objects in a box


In this article, we have explained How to add values in the objectBox database and get values in the database.

You may also check our Flutter app development services

For more understanding please can go through this Link

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Thanks for reading this article.

. . .

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