Manage Custom UICollection View in UITableview Cell in swift 3

Updated 4 November 2017


Custom Layout

Sometimes we have taken the multiple UICollectionView in a different cell of UITableView and each cell has a different size so for managing this thing we use autoresizing in UItableview.

for this we need to follow some steps:

1: We have to take UITableView and create their outlet like:

Now define in Viewdidload method:

2: Now register the UICollectionView and their properties in before reload call.

3: Now define the UITableViewCell class:

Note: This function manage the autoresizing of UICollectionView.

Now Define the delegate of UICollectionView:


In ViewdidLoad class where you have taken outlet of UITableView :


Now you need to set the some delegate function to run the tableview .

and whatever the value passed in UICollectionview layout ,UItableview will automatic maintain their height .









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