Integrate Fastpay Payment Gateway using SDK in Flutter.

Updated 30 June 2023


Hello all!! In this blog we will Integrate Fastpay Payment Gateway using SDK in Flutter.
As we know that payment gateway integration is very important in any e-commerce application for making payments.

In any flutter application, we can integrate payment gateway using two ways i.e. using SDK and using Webview.

Here we will integrate using flutter SDK.We have a flutter package which we will use for the implementation.

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So,Without wasting time let’s begin the code implementation.

Step1:- Add the flutter package dependency

Add the following dependancy in your pubspec.yaml file.

After adding the dependancy, run the flutter pub get command.After getting 0 code from flutter pub get command we can proceed for 

Step2:-Add the following code

Now ,add the following code for payment before placing any order.

In the above code snippet,we have the fastpayResult object in which we will get the output from payment SDK .

We need to handle both the case i.e.success as well as failure.After getting from SDK we can go on homepage or order successful screen.

In the case of failure we can move to the cart screen back and show message to user that:Payment has been failed”.


You can check in the output images that we are navigating on Fastpay SDK.And then filling the required details we are proceeding for payment.

After making payment we need to manage our success case.


Now we are done with Integrate Fastpay Payment Gateway using SDK in Flutter.It will be very beneficial when we will integrate Fastpay payment gateway in our flutter application.

Congratulations!!!! We have integrate Fastpay Payment Gateway using SDK in Flutter

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Thanks for reading.😇

If I missed something 🙈, then please let me know in the comments. I would like to improve.


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