How to improve the performance of Flutter apps

Updated 5 June 2023


In mobile application development, the performance of the app is the biggest nightmare for every developer but we can optimize it using proper tools and making our code structure. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks to improve the performance of Flutter apps.

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In Flutter, there are certain ways to improve the performance of Flutter apps. You can go through the points below:-

Let’s improve the performance of Flutter apps

Use Stateless Widgets

Flutter has two types of widgets – stateful and stateless. Stateless widgets don’t change their state during the runtime of an application. They are simple, efficient, and fast. If your widget doesn’t need to change its state, use a stateless widget.

Const Widgets

Use const widgets whenever possible because they are precompiled and do not have to be rebuilt every time the widget is rendered.


If you need to create a scrollable list in your app, use ListView.builder. ListView.builder creates items on demand, which can save memory and improve performance.


If we are loading images from the network, use the CachedNetworkImage package. This package caches images to improve performance and reduce network requests. For loading the image using it, just add it to your project and import it where you want to load the image.

API Caching in Flutter Applications

In order to check API Caching in Flutter , you can go through our blog.

Minimize the number of plugins

Plugins can add a lot of overhead to your app. Try to use only the plugins that you absolutely need.

Const constructors

If you are creating a lot of objects of the same type, use const constructors. Const constructors create objects at compile-time, which can improve performance.

Flutter inspector

The Flutter inspector is a powerful tool that you can use to debug and optimize your app. Use the Flutter inspector to identify performance issues and fix them.

Flutter Performance Profiling

Flutter has a built-in profiler that you can use to identify performance bottlenecks in your app. Use the profiler to identify areas of your app that are slow and optimize them.


Use keys to help Flutter identify which widgets have changed and need to be rebuilt. Keys can improve performance by minimizing the number of widgets that need to be rebuilt.

Types of keys:-

  1. Value key
  2. object Key
  3. Unique key
  4. Global Key

I hope from this, it will make you more comfortable dealing with flutter app performance query. Thanks for tuning in once again!

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