ImagePicker In Flutter

Updated 27 April 2023


Hello everyone In this blog, we will learn and implement new things in flutter. Here we will learn how to use an ImagePicker in a flutter with a camera and gallery functionality. In this blog, we will share the easiest and best way to implement an ImagePicker in flutter using a plugin.

As we all know flutter uses both Android and iOS. So we need to integrate it with both platforms.

ImagePicker in flutter is basically used for picking an image from the gallery or maybe from the camera. So that we can use it accordingly.

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So let’s start to implement the ImagePicker. So just follow these steps and make it. Let’s open your project if you have otherwise created a new flutter project.

Step1: Add the image_picker dependency to pubspec.yaml file.

Step2: Run “flutter pub get” in the root directory of your app.

Therefore In order to check the updated version of the dependency click here.

Step3: We just need to set request Legacy External Storage to true Android > app > src > main >AndroidManifest.xml for Android setup.

Step4: Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in

Project > ios > Runner > Info.plist

Step5: Now start the coding for the same.

Finally, we can run the code and as a result, we can see the below output.


Congratulations!! You have learned how to use ImagePicker in a flutter.

For more detail, you can refer to the official doc of a flutter here.

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Thanks for reading!!.


. . .

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