Flutter Tree View

Updated 27 April 2023


This article focuses on looking at TreeView examples that are simple to reuse. We have an excellent tool for representing hierarchical data in a widget like a Flutter Tree View.

A few points that make this widget helpful to create a flutter app:

You may also check our Flutter app development page

Let’s start flutter tree view implementation with a demo mobikul flutter app in a few easy steps.

1) Project Setup:

Create a new flutter project and add latest flutter_treeview version under dependencies in pubspec.yaml file of your project as following example and run flutter pub get command to install the package in your project.

2) Import package:
Import flutter tree view using following line in the class you need to implement this functionality.

3) Creates Nodes:
We need to create a list of node with its children as per our requirement as following example.

4. Create a Map:
We need list of map data as per our requirement as following example.

5. Complete Implementation:
Here we have complete implementation of flutter tree view.


flutter_treeview: A hierarchical data widget for your flutter apps.


In this article, we have learned about tree view structure with a simple mobikul example app using flutter_treeview: ^1.0.7+1 plugin.

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