Floor Database

Updated 28 April 2023


The Floor Database is inspired by the Room persistence library. It comes with automatic mapping between in-memory objects and database rows while still offering full control of the database with the use of SQL.

It is a layer that sits on top of an SQLite database and makes it easier to use.

The library’s name derives from the following. Floor as the bottom layer of a Room which points to the analogy of the database layer being the bottom and foundation layer of most applications. Where fl also gives a pointer that the library is used in the Flutter context.

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Features of Floor

Start the implementation


Add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file.


Create an entity
1) It will represent your database table


Create a DAO (Data Access Object)

Step -4

It has to be an abstract class that extends FloorDatabase. Furthermore, it’s required to add @Database() to the signature of the class. Make sure to add the created entity to the entities attribute of the @Database annotation.

Run the Code Generator

flutter packages pub run build_runner build” run this given command and it will solve all the errors from step 4


Now we can use the database

For more information, please go through the Flutter Dev

Hopefully, this blog will be helpful to you to understand the Floor Database. If you have any queries, please write them in the comment section.

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