Flip Card Animation in Android

Updated 31 January 2022


Animation is the most important part of the UI design which makes the application more interacting and user-friendly. If you are also interested in the animation and want to give some interaction for the user then this blog is for you. In this blog, we are going to discuss the Flip Card Animation in Android.


Create a Layout file

Create a layout file for the flip card animation. On this file, we have to create the layout for the front and backside which you want to display with the animation.


Animation files creation

Create your animator file inside the animator directory in res. Now we have to create the animation files for the front and for the back part of our layout.

For the front animator create the Animator Resource file flip_front.xml like below:

On the above file, we have created the rotation with an angle of 180 toward the y axis.

Create the back Animatore Resource file flip_back.xml like below:

On the above file, we are using the objectAnimator for animation and using them toward the y-axis to go back to the front visible view.

Apply Animation

Now it’s time to apply the animation to the view. create the method to flip the card and apply the rotation animation for the views like below:


In the front animator sets the target that you want to display on the front after the particular action.


In this blog, we have learned about the implementation of the Flip Card Animation in Android.

For more information regarding the Android animation follow the link.

Thanks for reading this blog. You can also check other blogs from here.

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