Firestore in Firebase in IOS Application

Updated 30 January 2021


Firestore in Firebase in IOS Application

Firestore in Firebase is important for storing data in the remote for your IOS Application. We can use the same database for all the three platform i.e, IOS Application, android Application and Web application. Firebase provide us very fine others tools as well and Google is working on the upgrading its Firebase platform , we various developer tools to find, all the things in one place which makes it more versatile and dynamic in nature.

In This post I am going to show how can we use Firestore for storing , fetching and deleting data  for your IOS Application.

Please follow the below steps for implementation of the Firestore in Firebase.

Step – 1  Create a IOS demo Project and create a project on Firebase as well.

Step – 2 Now enable the firebase from your Firebase projector your IOS Application. And create a document of any name as per your preference.

Step – 3 Now Please try to create the required variables as required by you in the project.

Step – 4 Firstly create a reference to the database’s collection then use the document with its Id and creating your New data entry into your collection. After that we can create the new user from our IOS Application. Once the collection is created.

If that document already exists then we can edit it and save if it not present then we will create it .

Step-5 We will now create a reference of database of our Firestore.


Step-6 For fetching the data you have to create the reference to the documents and from DocRef can use to get the reference of the documents and use it to configure in your IOS Application

Step-7  You can fetch data without listener as with listener we can fetch the data with changes in the database.


Step-8  Now deleting the data we need to get the document id reference. After that we can delete the data from the Firestore.

Please read the Firebase documentation from here

Please checkout my other blogs from here

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