Drag and Drop Listview feature in Flutter

Updated 1 May 2023


In today’s time, Everyone wants to have more and more features in the application they are using. More features make our application attractive, user-friendly, interactive.

Drag and drop is typical mobile application interaction. As the user long presses (at times called touch and hold) on a widget, another widget shows up underneath the user’s finger, and the user drags the widget to a last area and deliveries it.

In this article, we will explore the Drag and Drop Listview feature in Flutter. We will implement a drag-and-drop list view in a demo program.

Let’s begin the implementation.

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Step1:-create dragging item list

For implementing the Drag and Drop Listview feature in Flutter,

Firstly we need to create a stateful widget, in which we have a list of food items from which we will drag the items.

Also, we will make a customers list in which we drop the food items and dropped items are added as cart items in the customer’s list.

So below is the customer’s list.

Step2:-create dropping item list

Now we will create a customer list for dropping items.

Here we are using a DragTarget widget which will help us in dragging the particular item.

Step3:-Dummy customer and items list

Here are the dummy customers and items list.

Now the code implementation is completed.We will see the output.


Here is the output of the drag and drop in list view in flutter.

In the above-attached video, you can see that items are dragging from the food list and dropping in the customer’s list.

And food items are updating as cart count in the customer’s list.

Congratulations!!!! you have learned drag and drop in listview in flutter.

For more details and methods you can refer to the official doc of flutter here.

For more interesting blogs check out here – https://mobikul.com/blog/

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding in

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding in implement drag and drop in listview in flutter.

Thanks for reading.😇

. . .

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