How To Create Self Delegate Method In Swift 3.0

Updated 18 December 2016



Sometimes we require to call methodsĀ from one viewController1 to another viewcontroller2 and also get data from viewcontroller2 to viewcontroller1

for this, we need to make the link between two viewcontrollerĀ so that can communicate when another viewcontrollerĀ completes their work.

here I will show two class where the first class name “Home.swift” and all delegate methodĀ declare in “Global.swift” class .

1: first we need to define “Global.swift” class its Parent is NSObject


2: here I have defined two delegate method (write as the comment) . this method we have to define in Home.swift

3: Now I will show Home.swift class . To call , To receive message

4: Now you can use this technique in any classes .







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