Collections in Dart

Updated 15 November 2023


Dart, unlike other programming languages, doesn’t support arrays. Collections in Dart are similar to arrays. The dart:core library and in other words classes enable Collection support in Dart scripts.

We are going to learn about Collections in this blog.

Collection in Dart

Collections in Dart can be classified as follows:

  1. List
  2. Set
  3. Maps
  4. Queue

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A list is the collection of the ordered group of collections. The dart::core library offers the list class that allows us to create and modify the list as similarly to the array. It provides the following types of lists.

Fixed Length List – We cannot change the list’s length at runtime.
Growable List – We can change the length of the list at run-time.

Given below is an example of Dart implementation of List.


An object collection in which every item may be stated simultaneously is called a set. The Set class has access to the dart::core library’s resources.

There are two ways: 

Identifier = new Set()

Identifier = new Set.from(Iterable)

Where, Iterable represents a list of values to add to a Set.


The key-value pair data is gathered in the maps. A unique key is used to store each value. Any kind of value and key may be used in the dart similarly to other programing languages. A dynamic collection is called a map. We can state that run-time modifications can be made to a map. The Map class is made accessible to work with it by the dart::core library.

We can declare Map in two ways: 

  1. Using Map Literals
  2. Using Map Constructors

Map Literals:

We can declare the map using the map literals as shown below:

Map Constructors:

We can declare the map using the map constructors as shown below:


A queue is a group of items that are stored in a first-in, first-out manner. It is manipulable from both ends. In other words, we can add the element from one end and remove it from the other.

We can declare a Queue in two ways: 

  1. Using Queue Constructors
  2. Using Queue Existing List

Queue Constructors:

Let’s look at the syntax for building a Dart queue and adding components to it.

Queue Existing List:

Let’s now examine the syntax for building a queue in Dart using an existing list and adding members to it.

Methods of Queue in Dart:

The table below includes a list of numerous key functions along with an example of how to utilise each one.


In this article, we have extensively discussed some common Collection methods in Dart. We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Dart Collection methods, and to learn more, check out our other article on Dart Lists.

You can also check other blogs from here for more knowledge click here.

For more understanding please can go through this Link.

. . .

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