Callkit in Swift

Updated 3 January 2022


In this blog, we are going to learn about the Call kit in swift. CallKit is a framework that acts as an interface between Hotline and your iOS app with the help of CXProvider and CXCallController. CallKit handles the outgoing and incoming calls and third-party library messaging apps like Tulingo, Whatsapp, etc.

Please follow the below steps for integrating the CallKit in your swift project.

Step – 1

Create a swift project and name it as per your preference. Please add the background capabilities and check the in Voice per IP.

Step – 2

Now create a button on the view controller for sending the call from your iOS app.

Step – 3

Please add the below code for the functionality of receiving a call on your iOS app.

Step – 4

Now for initiating the call we will use the send button for making a call. Please create an action of sending the call.

Step – 5

For controlling the events of the call made for our iOS device we need to implement its delegate in the Swift project. For more information please refer to the Apple official documentation from here.


CallKi in Action

I hope this blog will help you in understanding the workflow of CallKit in Swift. If you have queries, comments, and recommendations, feel free to post them in the comment section below. Please refer to my other blogs from here.

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