AutoComplete TextField in Swift

Updated 12 December 2023

AutoComplete TextField in Swift

UITextField can be used to add an autocomplete feature, like in Safari, to your iOS apps to suggest a word based on the characters your user types.

AutoComplete text field is a feature that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing.

Please follow below steps to implement autocomplete TextField example in your iOS app.

Step 1: Add a TextField in your UIViewController and make an outlet of textField in ViewController class. Also set delegate of your text field to self in viewdidload().


Step 2: Declare an array of suggestions element to show in textField.

Step 3: Now, use UITextField delegate “shouldChangeCharactersIn” function to handle user input in textField.

Step 4: TextField delegate method textField(_:shouldChangeCharactersIn:replacementString:) calls “autoCompleteText” method which searches the suggestion list for the first entry with the prefix matching the user input. And updates the text value with the identified suggestion. “autoCompleteText” method is defined as follows:

The method returns true if the match was found otherwise returns false. The delegate method “shouldChangeCharactersIn”  returns the inverse of this value so the text field will continue to process keystrokes when a match is not found.

Step 5 : Finally, the controller implements the delegate’s textFieldShouldReturn(_:) method to “confirm” the suggestion:

Step 6: Now, compile your project and you can see the results.

Hope this article helps you.

For any queries, please feel free to add a comment in the comments section.

. . .

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