Android RecyclerView

Updated 28 November 2019



RecyclerView is a successor view group of ListView and GridView.It has  different features from ListView and GridView which makes it powerful.In this blog we will discuss about RecyclerView and its Adapter.


Creating New Project
1. In Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all the details required to create a new project. When it prompts to select a default activity, select Blank Activity and proceed.

2. Open build.gradle and add recycler view and rebuild the project.

dependencies {

implementation ‘’


create view RecyclerView in activity_main.xml


The Card Layout: Card Layout is treated as an item of RecyclerView.


The Data Class: The class that holds information about recyclerView


The ViewHolder: ViewHolder holds information about card layout .


The Adapter: It is responsible for inflating the view and view holder ,binding data to view . It extends RecyclerView.Adapter .There are three main method of RecyclerView.Adapter which are necessary to override

1.onCreateViewHolder: This method only called when new view created. If views are recycled then there is no need to create new view.

2.onBindViewHolder:It sets data to particular items of the RecyclerView.It called every time when it scrolled

3.getItemCount: which Returns the length of the RecyclerView.



We use LayoutManager class for specifying position of recyclerView’s item.There are three ways of displaying RecyclerView data.

  1. LinearLayoutManager shows items in a vertical or horizontal scrolling list.
  2. GridLayoutManager shows items in a grid.
  3. StaggeredGridLayoutManager shows items in a staggered grid.

Set Adapter to RecyclerView

we need to set adapter to recyclerView which we created . we pass list in constructor of MyAdapter

recyclerView.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(list));



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