Alerts in React Native

Updated 14 January 2025


In mobile app development, providing immediate feedback to users is essential for creating interactive experiences. 

Alerts are a key tool for notifying users of important information, confirming actions, or requesting input.

In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of using React Native’s built-in Alert component, focusing on how to implement alerts effectively to enhance usability and user experience.


We’ll also cover customization options, such as adding buttons and making alerts cancelable, ensuring you can tailor them to fit your app’s needs.

By the end of this post, you’ll be ready to use alerts to improve the interactivity of your React Native app. Let’s get started!

Understanding the React Native Alert and Button Example

1. Importing React and Required Components

These are the basic components of react native.

React: The core library used to build components in React Native.

Component: The base class from which React components are extended.

AppRegistry: Registers the app’s entry point (often required for app startup, though not used in this specific code)

Button: A built-in React Native component that renders a clickable button.

StyleSheet: Used to define and manage styles for the components.

View: A container component used for layout and structuring UI elements.

Text: A component used for displaying text on the screen.

2. Creating the ButtonBasics Component

We define a class component called ButtonBasics which is a subclass of Component. It will render the UI elements and handle actions like button clicks.

3. Defining the showAlert Method

showAlert: This is the function triggered when the button is pressed.Alert.alert: Displays a modal alert with a title (“Alert Title”) and a message (“My Alert Msg”).

4. Rendering the UI

The render() method defines the UI elements that will be displayed.View is used to create the overall structure of the app and the layout of the components. Inside the View, we have:

5. Styling the App (StyleSheet)

For Stylesheet-

The container serves as the main wrapper, using flex: 1 to fill available space and paddingTop: 60 to avoid overlapping with the app bar.

It centers the button both vertically and horizontally with justifyContent: ‘center’ and alignItems: ‘center’.

The appBar stays fixed at the top with position: ‘absolute’, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 stretching it across the screen.

backgroundColor: ‘#000000’ and zIndex: 1 ensure it’s visually distinct and remains above other elements.

For the appBarTextfontSize: 20color: ‘#fff’, and fontWeight: ‘bold’ make the text clear and bold.

The buttonWrapper centers the button, while margin: 10 and width: 250 manage spacing and size to prevent stretching.

Full Code –

Output –


In this blog, we learned about Alerts in React Native and explored how to display alert dialogues in response to user actions using the built-in Alert component.

Alerts enhance the user experience by providing timely feedback, confirming actions, and ensuring smooth interactions within the app.

React Native’s Alert component helps display messages and buttons easily.

In addition to these elements, we also covered essential tips for customizing alerts and fine-tuning the app’s UI to suit your needs.

You can also check other blogs from here.

Thank you for reading! ❤️


. . .

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