Updated 31 May 2019
In this blog, I am describing how to handle the firebase push notification and how to navigate to a particular Component Page. I have used “react-native-firebase” to recieve firebase notification and “react-navigation” to navigate a page.
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npm install react-navigation --save react-native link react-navigation npm install react-native-firebase --save react-native link react-native-firebase |
Please follow the link for the initial setup of firebase push notification and React Navigation (official site).
How to receive a Notification? Our Application has 3 running state
Application is in the foreground ->
When our Application is Foreground ( current running app) then we don’t be worry to handle the notification, the following snippet uses to get Notification and show it on the screen. In this snippet, I have customized our notification.
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// /* // * Triggered when a particular notification has been received in foreground // * */ this.notificationListener = firebase.notifications().onNotification((notification) => { const { title, body, data } = notification; console.log("Notification",notification ); notification.setTitle(title).setBody(body).setSound("500").android.setColor(ThemeConstant.ACCENT_COLOR) notification.android.setSmallIcon("@drawable/ic_stat_name") notification.android.setPriority(firebase.notifications.Android.Priority.High) /// set to High notification.android.setChannelId("autocaptions") ///for android 8.0 and above const channel = new firebase.notifications.Android.Channel( "daily", "Reminders", firebase.notifications.Android.Importance.High ).setDescription("Reminds you...."); firebase.notifications().android.createChannel(channel).then(response=>{ if(data.image){ notification.android.setBigPicture( data.image, data.image, title, body); } firebase.notifications().displayNotification(notification) } ); }); |
Application is in the background ->
When our app is in the background then We add a background RemoteMessage to our App Registry. Create a bgMessaging.js file to import RemoteMessage class of ‘react-native-firebase‘ as the following snippet
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import type { RemoteMessage } from 'react-native-firebase'; /// When Application is in Background to recieve a notification. export default async (message: RemoteMessage) => { // handle your message return Promise.resolve(); } |
following snippet for registering above js class to our AppRegistry in our index.js class
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/** @format */ import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native'; import App from './App'; import {name as appName} from './app.json'; import bgMessaging from './bgMessaging'; AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App); AppRegistry.registerHeadlessTask('RNFirebaseBackgroundMessage', () => bgMessaging); console.disableYellowBox = true |
Now, We can listen for when a notification is clicked/tapped/opened as follow
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// /* // * If your app is in background, you can listen for when a notification is clicked / tapped / opened as follows: // * */ this.notificationOpenedListener = firebase.notifications().onNotificationOpened((notificationOpen) => { this.onPressNotification(notificationOpen.notification.data); firebase.notifications().removeDeliveredNotification(notificationOpen.notification.notificationId) }); |
In the above snippet, I have got open notification data when the user clicks and send this data to our custom function to identify a particular page (Component) to open by our Navigator. I will describe it below in this blog.
Application has closed->
When our app has closed then We add a background RemoteMessage to our App Registry. as like the above snippet. and then we can check if it was opened by a notification being clicked/tapped/opened as follows
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const notificationOpen = await firebase.notifications().getInitialNotification(); if (notificationOpen) { this.onPressNotification(notificationOpen.notification.data); firebase.notifications().removeDeliveredNotification(notificationOpen.notification.notificationId) } |
Now I am describing how to handle the firebase push notification click to open Particular Component and send notification data to Component via React Navigation. For it, We need to create a global constant that stores our navigation object. The help of this navigation object we can go to any Component from APP.js when Application is in Foreground/background as follow
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onPressNotification = (data)=>{ if(AppConstant.navigation){ let routeData = getNotificationRoot(data) AppConstant.navigation.navigate(routeData.root, routeData.data); }else{ this.setState({ notification : data, }) } } |
When our Application has closed so we can navigate Component from our initial Component by transferring Notification data in “screenProps” of React Navigation as follows
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<NavigationConst screenProps = {{isFromNotification : true, notificationData: this.state.notification}}/> |
NavigationConst is my StackNavigator that hold all Component of Application. For more detail of react-navigation go to its official website.
Hope it helps you. Thanks for reading.
If you have more details or questions, you can reply to the received confirmation email.
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push notification works great, especially when app is in the foreground.
the problem is when app is in the background.
1) When I click on the notification, the “getInitialNotification ()” function is called instead of the “onNotificationOpened ()” function, I do not know why.
normally “onNotificationOpened ()” the one that will be called, is not it ?.
2) Is there not a function that listens to the arrival of the notification, when app is in the background as app in the foreground.
please help me.
I’m in a hurry.