Updated 1 June 2018
In this blog,
I have shown how to make dual thumbs Seekbar or we can say a Range SeekBar in android. But first of all, I will  give the small introduction about the simple Seekbar in android.
is useful user interface element which is used commonly in android applications. A SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar that allows the selection of numerical values using a natural user thumbs. Basically, SeekBar has a thumb that you can slide to choose a value between 0 and some maximum that you set.
You can touch the thumb and drag left or right to set the current progress or use the arrow keys.
A common usage of Seekbar is our device brightness control and volume control.
In this example, I have created a simple Seekbar
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<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_gravity="center" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <SeekBar android:id="@+id/seekBar" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true" android:layout_marginTop="26dp" android:max="10" /> </RelativeLayout> |
and In onCreate method
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SeekBar seekBar = (SeekBar) findViewById(R.id.seekBar); seekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() { @Override public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), progress + "", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { } @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { } }); |
Now we have been known that how to make simple Seekbar.
But if we want to make dual thumbs means a Range Seekbar then what android doesn’t give the range Seekbar and if we want to customize Seekbar then we have to write huge lines of code.
So, I have shown you how to make the RangedSeekbar by using yahoo/android-range-seek-bar.
Actually, RangedSeekbar is a simple SeekBar similar to the default Android one, but with two thumb controls allowing a range to be selected.
Step 1: Add the dependency in app level build.gradle file
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dependencies { compile 'com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.util.rangeseekbar:rangeseekbar-library:0.1.0' } |
Step 2:Â Make the RangedSeekbar
In XML file,
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<com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.util.rangeseekbar.RangeSeekBar android:id="@+id/rangeSeekbar" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" rsb:absoluteMaxValue="100" rsb:absoluteMinValue="0" /> |
and in your attrs.xml file
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<resources> <declare-styleable name="RangeSeekBar"> <attr name="absoluteMinValue" format="integer|float"/> <attr name="absoluteMaxValue" format="integer|float"/> <attr name="singleThumb" format="boolean"/> </declare-styleable> </resources> |
or if you want to make it programmatically then
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RangeSeekBar<Integer> seekBar = new RangeSeekBar<Integer>(getActivity()); seekBar.setRangeValues(0, 100); |
for float
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RangeSeekBar<Float> seekBar = new RangeSeekBar<Float>(getActivity()); seekBar.setRangeValues(0.00, 99.99); |
Step 3: Add the listener and get the min and max value
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seekBar.setOnRangeSeekBarChangeListener(new RangeSeekBar.OnRangeSeekBarChangeListener<Integer>() { @Override public void onRangeSeekBarValuesChanged(RangeSeekBar<?> bar, Integer minValue, Integer maxValue) { //Now you have the minValue and maxValue of your RangeSeekbar Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), minValue + "-" + maxValue, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }); // Get noticed while dragging seekBar.setNotifyWhileDragging(true); |
Some snapshots while using RangeSeekbar in android
In below block of code, IÂ have shown how to disable thumbs while dragging if the difference b/w minValue and maxValue is 40 or below 40.
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int preMin = -1; int preMax = -1; final RangeSeekBar<Integer> seekBar = new RangeSeekBar<Integer>(this); seekBar.setRangeValues(0, 100); //setNotifyWhileDragging is important method to achive this functionality seekBar.setNotifyWhileDragging(true); seekBar.setOnRangeSeekBarChangeListener(new RangeSeekBar.OnRangeSeekBarChangeListener<Integer>() { @Override public void onRangeSeekBarValuesChanged(RangeSeekBar<?> bar, Integer minValue, Integer maxValue) { int diff = maxValue - minValue; if (diff == 39 || diff < 40) { bar.setEnabled(false); if(minValue != preMin){ seekBar.setSelectedMinValue(preMin); } else if(maxValue != preMax){ seekBar.setSelectedMaxValue(preMax); } AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this); alert.setNegativeButton(getResources().getString(android.R.string.ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); seekBar.setEnabled(true); } }); alert.setCancelable(false); alert.setMessage(Html.fromHtml("You cant move below 40!!")).show(); } else { preMin = minValue; preMax = maxValue; } } }); |
For getting the complete project go to this link.
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