OpenCart Mobikul Delivery Boy App

The Opencart Delivery Boy App enables the admin to properly manage orders and provide better shipping service to their customers. The best part is that the admin can access it from anywhere. Also, Flutter allows the app to function in a smooth and faster manner, without any hang or cutting while scrolling.

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Main Features

feature-4163 Interactive Dashboard
feature-16694 Multiple Delivery Boys Available
feature-16700 Delivery Boy Status
feature-16704 Add Delivery Boy
feature-16696 Order Management
feature-4137 One Time Password
feature-4214 Offline Mode
feature-4117 Synchronized

Interactive Dashboard


The app provides an extremely informative dashboard and is available for the admin and also the delivery boy:


  • Sales and Order Statistics.
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Stats available.
  • View location on Google Map.
  • Details like Pending, Processing, and Complete orders are displayed.
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Interactive Dashboard

Multiple Delivery Boys Available


Delivery boy can also login to their panel in order to manage the sales and orders:

  • Delivery boys will be added by the admin.
  • All the basic details are needed to add a new Delivery boy.
  • Any number of delivery boys can be added at once.
  • Admin can see the details of delivery boys from a separate list.
Multiple Delivery Boys Available

Delivery Boy Status


One of the most important features of OpenCart Delivery Boy app:

  • The delivery boys can change their status.
  • Status can be either Online or Offline.
  • The status will be Online unless all their orders have order status as "Complete".
  • Generally order status can be either "Pending", "Processing", or "Complete".
Delivery Boy Status

Add Delivery Boy


The admin can add/ edit delivery boy seamlessly using their smartphones:

  • The admin will add the details like name, email, phone number of the delivery boy.
  • Also, the admin will provide login credentials for the delivery boy login.
  • The admin will add the address of delivery boy.
  • The vehicle type will be added by the admin.
  • The delivery boys can be enabled or disabled by the admin.
Add Delivery Boy

Order Management


The delivery boy and admin both can manage orders from their panel 

  • For further processing, the order needs to be selected from the order list.
  • The order details will be displayed which includes customer and payment details.
  • The delivery details and order history is also mentioned.
  • The delivery boy will complete the order by clicking on the Deliver button.
Order Management

One Time Password


Customer authentication increases app security to another extent:

  • This app authenticates its customers.
  • The user will get an OTP when the delivery boy receives the payment.
  • If the authentication is successful then the order status will change to Complete.
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One Time Password

Offline Mode


The app allows offline mode work support to the app users:

  • The app works offline for preloaded pages.
  • Users from remote areas can access the app.
  • The app can be scrolled for the preloaded pages even in poor or no internet.
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Offline Mode



Mobile app and Web app synchronization:

  • The mobile app is fully synchronized with the web app.
  • Any changes in any end will reflect in real-time. 
  • Data will be consistent for both platforms.
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