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Transforming Life Through Apps

Mobikul is a unit of Webkul, which is a self-bootstrap company, founded in the year 2010.


About Mobikul

The organization strives to provide its client with the best solution to uplift their business. Through Mobikul it could provide its customers with a mobile application created as per the requirement.

We started by converting the Magento e-commerce store into a native app. This was followed by Opencart, Cs-Cart, Odoo, WooCommerce, and recently the VirtueMart(Joomla).

Apart from the conversion of platform-based e-commerce store to an app, Mobikul has come up multiple other types of product. With the increment in demand, we have stretched a step to help our customer via a customized app service to provide them an app which is based completely on their idea.

We as an organization believes in constant development with the aim of providing the best to our customer. With this motive today we are family of 50 head storming people and happy satisfying customer all across the globe.

5000+ Customer in 14+ Years
1500+ Live Apps
200+ Problem Solving Experts
7 Open Source Contributions

How was Mobikul made?

It is said that ‘Rome Wasn’t built in a day’, it requires great efforts to burn the midnight oil to turn things in the right direction.

We had also built the Mobikul is such a format with small and big efforts joint together.

Each member of the team strive to their best level and made things possible. Follow all this effort and struggle today Mobikul have a more than 5000 customer from all over the world.

Over the years, Mobikul has also earned various industry-recognized certifications and badges, showcasing its excellence in mobile commerce, security, and technology.

What does Mobikul mean?

At Webkul we don’t believe in having a company whose sole aim is to earn the profit.

Rather we believe in having an institute where ideas are welcomed and people strive more to learn them. With this believe we have given the name MOBIKUL, which is a blend of two words- Mobile And Gurukul.

Mobile signifies the era of mobile app whereas Gurukul is the temple of knowledge.


Relay Upon Technologies

We create Isolated and Framework dependent softwares which relies upon a different set of web and mobile technologies.

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The establishment of a great organization always depends on the team in the organization.

The Mobikul team is a combined body of people with the right attitude to achieve anything.

Each and every member here works to their full strength to deliver the best to the customer.

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Planning to bring your thoughts to mobile

Feel free to contact us anytime with your project or app needs and we’ll get back to you.

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