Odoo CRM Mobile App

An innovative Odoo CRM mobile app that allows you to manage customer relationship management features right from your mobile phone!

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Main Features

feature-53132 Pipeline Management
feature-53135 Lead Acquisition
feature-53138 Assign and Track Leads
feature-53141 Performance Analysis

Pipeline Management

Odoo CRM Native Mobile App offers robust pipeline management features to help sales teams visualize and track the sales process in Odoo ERP System.

  • Create Pipelines: Admins and authorized salespersons can create pipelines and add descriptions to organize the sales process.
  • Stage Management: Salespersons can define various stages within their pipelines, such as New, Qualified, Proposition, Won, and Closed.
    These stages can defined by the admin in the CRM backend.
  • Assign Teams: Salespersons can assign specific teams or individuals to each stage of the pipeline, to keep the sales process organized.
  • Track Lost Reasons: Salespersons can record why they lost sales, which helps improve future sales efforts.
Pipeline Management

Lead Acquisition

This feature empowers salespersons to gather and manage leads, converting potential opportunities into valuable connections.

  • Lead Capture: Salespeople can collect leads from different sources, like web forms and social media, to build a complete list of potential customers.
  • Lead Probability: Admins can set rules to evaluate leads based on factors like score, industry, or location.
  • Lead Qualification: A salesperson can check how good a lead is using Lead Probability, which helps them focus on the best ones.
  • Lead Notes and Tags: Salespersons can write notes and add tags to organize and categorize leads, making it easy to track and manage them.
Lead Acquisition

Assign and Track Leads

The Lead Assignment feature in Odoo Mobile App enables salespersons to manage their leads and streamline the sales process in Odoo ERP System.

  • Lead Assignment: Salespersons can assign leads to themselves or specific team members to continue the sales process.
  • Create Quotations: A salesperson can create professional quotations directly from the lead details, streamlining the sales process.
  • Quotation Management: A Salesperson can track and manage sent quotations, including responses and conversions into sales.
  • Status Updates: The salesperson can easily update the status of leads to reflect whether they are won, lost, or still under consideration.
  • Activity Planning: Salespeople can schedule things like calls, meetings, or follow-ups for each lead to stay in touch with customers.
Assign and Track Leads

Performance Analysis

The "Analyze Performance" feature in Odoo CRM Native Mobile App offers essential functions for evaluating sales activities and optimizing strategies.

  • Visualize Pipeline: Admin can see how leads and opportunities move through the sales pipeline, making it easier to understand.
  • Track Performance: Admin can check how individual salespeople and teams are doing, helping find strengths and areas to improve.
  • Lead Mining Request: Admin can use filters like opportunities, leads, and default tags in Odoo Mobile App to help sales teams focus on the best chances.
  • Forecast Trends: Admins can look at expected closing dates to see patterns and plan their sales strategies.
Performance Analysis

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