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Scratch card animation in flutter

Introducing scratch card animations to your Flutter app can be just the unique touch you need to captivate users and enhance engagement. Imagine the anticipation as users swipe away to reveal hidden content, reminiscent of lottery scratch cards. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can effortlessly integrate Scratch card animation into your Flutter app, creating an immersive and interactive user experience.

Before starting with the blog, if you are looking to develop Mobile Apps, you can check out Flutter development services offered by Mobikul.

Why Scratch Card Animation?


  1. Firstly, Create A New Project And Add dependencies Into Pubspec.yaml file as


2. Create new stateful class (ScratchCard) and add code for UI as showing below :-


In above example code we have create basic UI to display two asses images to add scratch animation in app as :-

SlimyCard Animation in Flutter

Output of example code


Thanks for reading this article ❤️

I hope this blog will help you to learn about scratch card animation in flutter and you will be able to implement it. For more updates, make sure to keep following Mobikul Blogs to learn more about mobile app development.

Happy Learning ✍️

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